Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fashionable: Yes or No?

hey everyone, it's Jessi!  today i'm doing a fashion-in-or-out post.  so tell me...are these in or out?  comment with your answers!!
 giant nerd glasses 
 tights with shorts
 plaid  (I think these are pretty colors!!)
peace signs
Ugg boots

I feel like i might have mixed up the tights-with-shorts thing with the whole knee-socks-with-shorts thing.  still, tell me what you think!  also those middle 3 pix match haha!


PS i'm so excited for halloween!  yay!!
PPS lots of exclamation points, wow!  i did it again! :D

1 comment:

  1. I love them all!! Also, I love this site! it's such a fun idea!!
